
little miss sofei

4 則留言:

匿名 說...

If he wasn't betrayed by the 「"Is" photography suit"s" me?」.. I really thought there's such a book! By the way..Little Miss Buddha looks more like Garfield... her eyes are 好淫... but I'm honored to be the 摔碟DJ at your party. You have a wonderful boyfriend (I hope he's not reading this). Happy Birthday!

蘇菲 說...

yea i was like doing proofreading when reading the book
jill said because u r strong in music, so u r responsible for the CD player.
and actually u can c he is most familiar with u, cuz u look like the most among the three =P

匿名 說...

o.. u broke my heart... I dun think there's any similarity between Miss Buddha and me apart from the big eyes!

匿名 說...

哇~ (真係唔知講乜好)


同埋你個reliably informed那篇,我想起初入行時,我在同人做訪問,有件pr企隔離聽,我問佢做乜,佢話「跟你學吓嘢呀ma」。
